
TEXEL GIFTS Trading LLC is one of the group companies of “The DARLSCO Group”.


About Texel Gifts Trading LLC

At TEXEL, we offer inception to completion turnkey solutions in the field of Fairground and Amusement across the globe. TEXEL AMUSEMENT CENTRE EQUIPMENT TRADING LLC one of the group companies of “The DARLSCO Group”. TEXEL was operated as backend support company from the year 2003. TEXEL is leading company in in customized playgrounds and adventure sports ( indoor and outdoor) in Leisure and Entertainment Industry.

TEXEL is specialized in customized Family Entertainment Centre (FEC ), Soft Play area, Play structure, Adventure attractions design, and  transforming any space into a uniquely inspired, wildly entertaining, revenue generating facility for years to come. The team of TEXEL comprises of qualified and experienced team of professionals and well versed with every facet of business from concept design, installation, execution, rides and devices supply, theming, fit-out, pre-opening, operational, and post-opening solutions.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

Rating & Statistic

Satisfied Customers
0 +
Games Sold
0 +
Products Launched
0 +
Repeat Clients
0 +